Pre-Conference Workshop

International Workshop on

Advances in Roadway and Railway
Applications using Geosynthetics

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 | Venue: IIT Hyderabad


The International Workshop on Advances in Roadway and Railway Applications using Geosynthetics serves as a pivotal platform for professionals, researchers, and practitioners in the field of civil engineering to explore and exchange insights into the latest developments, challenges, and innovations in pavement stabilization techniques leveraging geosynthetic materials.
The Workshop is being organized by the Indian Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society in association with the Central Board of Irrigation and Power.

About The International Geosynthetics Society (India)

In the year 1985, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, (CBIP) as part of its technology forecasting activities identified geosynthetics as an important area relevant to India’s need for infrastructure development, including roads. After approval of IGS Council for the formation of Indian Chapter in October 1988, the Indian Chapter of IGS was got registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 of India in June 1992 as the Committee for International Geotextile Society (India), with its Secretariat at Central Board of Irrigation and Power. The Chapter has since been renamed as International Geosynthetics Society (India), in view of the parent body having changed its name from International Geotextiles Society to International Geosynthetics Society.

The main objectives and purposes of the Society are:

  • • To collect and disseminate knowledge on all matters relevant to geotextiles, geomembranes and related products, e.g. by promoting seminars, conferences etc.
  • • To promote advancement of the state-of-the-art of geotextiles, geomembranes and related products and of their applications, e.g. by encouraging, through its members, the harmonization of test methods, equipment and criteria; and
  • • To improve communication and understanding regarding such products, e.g. between designers, manufacturers and users and especially between the textile and civil engineering communities.

Key Themes

The workshop covers the following applications for roadways and railways:

  1. Mitigation of reflective cracking in structural asphalt overlays,
  2. • Stabilization of unbound aggregate layers,
  3. • Reduction of layer intermixing,
  4. • Reduction of moisture in structural layers,
  5. • Stabilization of soft subgrades, and
  6. • Mitigation of distress induced by expansive clay subgrades.

Who Should Attend:

• Researchers and Academics
• Engineers and Practitioners
• Industry Professionals
• Government Officials and Policymakers
• Students and Young Professionals

Workshop Format:

The workshop will feature keynote presentations, technical sessions, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, providing ample opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration among participants.

Key Speakers

Mr. Sam Allen

Prof. J. Zornberg

Prof. E. Tutumluer

Dates and Venue

The Workshop will be held during 3rd Oct 2024, Convention Centre/Auditorium of IIT Hyderabad.

Call for Case Studies

Case studies on the topics proposed and allied topics are invited. Intending authors may send the full text of their case studies, as per the guidelines given below. The last date for the receipt of full texts of the case studies is 16th August 2024.
The case studies will be reviewed by the Technical Committee to assess its suitability for presentations. The case studies accepted for presentation will be notified by 24th August 2024. A condition of acceptance of the case studies will be that the author, or one of the authors in case of multiple authors, will attend the Workshop and make the presentation.

The case study shall contain:

  • • A descriptive, but brief title • title, name(s) and affiliation of the author(s)
  • • Address for correspondence (including fax numbers and e-mail addresses)
  • • Detailed information about the objective, methods, results and conclusion, to enable a correct appraisal of the suitability of the proposed case study for the Workshop.
  • • References at the end, with due reference in the text

The full text of the papers, not exceeding 08 pages of A4 size, in single space and 10 Point Normal Times Roman Font, both in MS Word and PDF, need to be sent through e-mail only at The text of the paper in English must be free from errors. Only original contributions that have not been published or presented at any other forum are acceptable. Standard and universally accepted abbreviations should be used. When a special abbreviation appears in the text for the first time, it should be accompanied by its extended form. The figures should be placed nearest to the first reference in the text and should not be larger than the print areas. Tables in the manuscript should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text by their numbers. A suitable heading should also be provided. References should follow the text to be listed at the end in numerical order with the corresponding number cited in brackets at appropriate places.

The workshop registration is separate from the conference registration. Delegates who would like to attend the workshop have to pay the following fee.

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